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Transformation times in Life!

Writer's picture: MrShawnBizMrShawnBiz

What situations or events changed your life? What were those defining moments you remember that transformed your life? Reflecting on these questions made me think about the caterpillar and the butterfly. How we start is not always how we finish.

One of those moments for me was when I first read the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad". At the time, I was living check to check and working alot of hours only to have a few cents left after expenses. I needed a change and I needed it quick. The book gave me a shift in my thinking which transformed my life. I went from living within my means to making more income to live the life I want. Transformation must be internal and not just externally. When you look at the caterpillar in a cocoon, during this process the caterpillar is transforming, developing, thinking, and growing into what he or she was meant to be. That shift is intentional and transformation is the result. When we change our perspective, we change our lives. Do not conform to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind! Romans 12:2

Thanks for reading!!


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1 comentario

Bryan Hardy
17 may 2022

Amen, the internal change is needed and necessary for growth. Without the internal change humanity remains corrupt. Jesus said it is not what goes in the mouth but what comes out of the mouth that defiles a man. (Matt. 15:11) My prayer today is for the Body of believers become internally changed! Bless you my

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