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Chess not Checkers

Writer's picture: MrShawnBizMrShawnBiz

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

Life is like the game of chess! Each move you make needs to be on purpose. Just like in life you never want to waste a move or make the wrong move. Reflecting back, learning the game of chess from my father was one of the most influential things in my life. Chess made me think and thinking things out whatever I was doing became my competitive advantage. I seen it early on and contribute a lot of my success today to the game of chess. This is one of the reasons I chose to teach it to others. Sometimes we don't realize in the moment but the little things can impact the greater scheme of things either positively or negatively. Chess has many life lessons but today I will focus on having a strategic and a creative mindset. To be strategic, you must align your actions with a predetermined strategy of what you want to do. For an example, if I want an extra $500.00 a month, I should create a plan then execute that plan. The planning and the actions needed are our responsibility! Proverbs 16:1 states that the plans of the mind belong to man (both man and woman) but the answers of the tongue is from the Lord. Meaning you won't see the answers until you do your part first.....plan! Remember, what we plan today prepares our tomorrow! A huge part of your planning is on how you see yourself. You can be a pawn but think like a King! Your ability to think is the difference maker.

What does it mean to be creative? The ability to be creative with life obstacles is important. Life can be difficult sometimes like navigating an obstacle course. The difference maker is navigating around the obstacle and not letting the obstacle stop you. in life we need to play to win and not just playing to not loose. Same with chess, either you are on offense or you are on defense. Life should be spent preparing for tomorrow, not repairing yesterday. Finding new and different ways to win at either chess or life should be your strategy!

What does that look like? I recommend first figuring out "who you are", "what you want to do", "how you will do it", then DO IT!!!! Have a strategy for all areas of your life, personally, family, professionally, entrepreneurship or business, financially, and spiritually! There is no particular order, just create a strategy for each.

"People don't plan to fail, they fail to plan" make your plan today!

Write up a personal strategy? For more on this topic or help creating a strategy, contact me directly on the site.

Thank you,

Mr Shawn

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Jul 17, 2020

I love a fresh post of information in the morning!!

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